【Noto Earthquake】Updates of Noto Earthquake (as of January 12)

It has been almost two weeks since the disaster.
Many people are still missing, and frantic search efforts are continuing.
Many people are still living in evacuation centers and need to persevere before they can get back to their daily lives.
The following is an update on the current situation in the affected areas.
Damages in Ishikawa Prefecture
(as of January 12)
Dead | 215 people(10 disaster-related fatalities) |
Missing | 38 people |
Injured | at least 567 people |
Evacuees | about 23,000 people |
Water Outage | about 57,000 houses |
Power Outage | about 13,000 houses |
Houses and stores were also severely damaged, with at least 4,104 buildings damaged, ranging from total destruction to partial damage. The "Wajima Morning Market," which was famous as a tourist attraction, was burned to the ground by a massive fire that was a secondary disaster.
Currently, the police, Self-Defense Forces, local governments, and volunteer groups are cooperating to conduct rescue activities at disaster sites and support activities at evacuation centers and facilities.
In addition, winters in Ishikawa Prefecture are bitterly cold. Cold rain can hinder rescue activities, and snow falling on houses on the verge of collapse can cause them to collapse. Support for disaster-stricken areas is also a battle against the weather.

About the Evacuation Shelters
Measures against cold in evacuation centers are also an urgent matter. Evacuees are living in shelters with futons on the cold floor and enduring the cold in the absence of adequate heating facilities. They need to talk to each other and watch each other to make sure they are not suffering from hypothermia or getting sick.
Although food, blankets, and other relief supplies have arrived at the evacuation centers, the inevitable and increasingly problematic situation is the deteriorating sanitary conditions. Due to the lack of water, the inability to bathe and wash hands, poor nutrition, lowered immunity due to mental stress, and inadequate ventilation and disinfection, outbreaks of COVID19 and noroviruses are increasing in some of the evacuation centers. This is especially serious in welfare facilities where many elderly people live.
毎日新聞「避難所でノロウイルスなど30人 『衛生対策が重要』 能登半島地震」
And "disaster-related deaths" are on the increase as evacuation life becomes more prolonged. Disaster-related deaths are cases in which people died due to aggravation of chronic illnesses, fatigue, or mental stress caused by living in evacuation shelters for a long time.
Evacuees are affected by mental stress from worsening chronic illnesses in shelters with poor sanitation, confusion over the sudden loss of their daily lives, grief over the loss of family and friends, and anxiety about the future.
Since the infrastructure in the affected areas has been severely damaged, there is still no time frame for the restoration of lifelines such as water, electricity, and gas. In response to this situation, preparations are currently underway to accept evacuees outside of Ishikawa Prefecture at hotels and public housing facilities as "secondary evacuation centers.
NHK News「2次避難 県外などで受け入れ進む 珠洲市の施設入所者は愛知へ」
We are praying that the victims will be able to get back to their daily lives as soon as possible.
Our Supports
We made donations to the following two places as emergency support.
- ¥30,000 - Association of Supporting Korean Elders Living in Japan 在日同胞ハラボジ・ハルモニを支援する会
- ¥30,000 - AAR Japan「難民を助ける会」
WisH staff will visit local evacuation centers next week to conduct field surveys and provide material support.
I hope to be able to provide a second report after that.
Volunteer recruitment from the general public has not yet begun. We plan to conduct volunteer activities, including debris removal and house repairs, when the recruitment period begins. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.
We have received messages of support from donors
We are raising funds to support the victims of the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
Here to Donate↓
The collected donations will be used to provide direct material support to the families of the victims, to fund the activities of our staff members who will go directly to the affected areas to volunteer, and to donate a part of the donations to AAR Japan and other support organizations to help the affected areas.